1. a blizzard 暴风雪
In December, there was a blizzard which left everything in snow. 在12月的时候,在暴风雪过后,大雪笼罩着大地。
2 .breeze 微风
Her hair was blowing very slightly in the breeze. 微风轻拂她的头发。
3. a gust of wind 一阵强劲的风。
I was wearing my hat and a gust of wind blew it away. 我当时正戴着帽子呢,但一阵强劲的风把它吹走了。
A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver. 一阵突然刮来的冷风吹得我直打哆嗦。
4 .overcast 乌云密布的 (相比cloudy它的云要更加密一些,更加灰一些)
The overcast sky is stifling. 阴暗的天空令人感到沉闷。
5. muggy =unpleasantly warm and humid 闷热潮湿的
In many countries, it's so muggy that your clothes are sticking to you in August.在很多国家,八月份天气都很闷热潮湿,衣服都会粘粘的。
6. smog 烟雾
I couldn't see the sun because there was a lot of smog.烟雾太多我多看不到太阳。
When I flew into Beijing yesterday, the city was shrouded[ʃraʊd] in what looked like a thick smog. 当我昨天飞抵北京时,这座城市被一层看上去像是厚厚的烟雾的东西笼罩着。
Cars cause pollution, both smog and acid rain. 汽车引起污染,既有烟雾又有酸雨。
The sky over the city was overspread with a heavy smog.城市上空罩上了一层烟雾。
7. hail 冰雹=hailstone
Meterological authorities issued this year's first hail alert, as well as a severe rainstorm alert. 气象局发布了今年个冰雹预警信号,以及严重的暴雨预警信号。
8. a heatwave热浪
The heatwave is expected to intensify on Wednesday, French media report. 法国媒体报道说热浪有可能会在周三加强。
9 .torrential rain=extremely heavy rain暴雨
It might be very dangerous if you drive in torrential rain.你要在暴雨中开车,可能会很危险。
10. bitterly cold刺骨地冷
I lie in my sleeping bag and close my eyes but it's so bitterly cold that I'm always half-awake, shivering. 我躺在睡袋里,闭上双眼,可是太冷了,我总在半梦半醒中冻得瑟瑟发抖。