1 判断题难点:
题目没看懂:生词,一词多义如:cultivated varieties 人工培育的品种,但是学生把variety理解为多样性,就会错
判断标准不清晰:false 和NG搞不清
修饰关系没弄清楚:如:题干:我很喜欢Cindy的男朋友。题目:我的男朋友和Cindy的男朋友的喜好很像。学生觉得我, Cindy的男朋友,喜欢和喜好也很像。每个词都对上了,但不是true。相似例子:剑11 test3 passage1 第13题
2 95%的判断题是三句话之内出题
3 比较考点:
题干:我比你长的高 (定位:我,你 ; 考点:比身高,说我高)
原文:我踮起脚来才能和你一样高(定位:我,你;考点:比身高,说我矮和题干不一样, False)
原文:我身高170,你身高160 (True)
4 比较关系有哪些:
...er, more
5 times
5 例子:剑11-4-1
2 Twins are at greater risk of developing certain illnesses than non-twins.
原文:Alternatively ,by comparing the experiences of identical twins with those of fraternal twins,who come from separate eggs and share on average half their DNA, researchers can quantify the extent to which our genes affect our lives. lf identical twins 同卵双胞胎are more similar to each other with respect to an ailment 疾病than fraternal twins 异卵双胞胎are then vulnerability 脆弱to the disease must be rooted at least in part in heredity遗传.
题干:对比的对象twins and non-twins, 比较关系greater risk, 比较内容:developing certain illnesses
原文:对比对象identical twins,fraternal twins ,比较关系 more similar ,比较内容with respect to an ailment
6 例子:剑13-2-1
12 The trees planted by the Dutch produced larger quantities of cinnamon than the wild trees.
原文:In order to protect their hold on the market,the Dutch,like the Portuguese before them, treated the native inhabitants harshly. Because of the need to boost production and satisfy Europe's ever-increasing appetite for cinnamon, the Dutch began to alter the harvesting practices of the Ceylonese. Over time,the supply of cinnamon trees on the island became nearly exhausted due to systematic stripping of the bark. Eventually, the Dutch began cultivating their own cinnamon trees to supplement the diminishing number of wild trees available for use.
题干:比较对象:The trees planted by the Dutch, wild trees 比较关系:larger quantities 比较内容:cinnamon
原文:比较对象:the Dutch began cultivating their own cinnamon trees, wild trees 比较关系:diminishing number 比较内容:wild trees
7 例子:剑6-2-3
Early peoples found it easier to count by using their fingers rather than a group of pebbles.
原文:Counting is not directly related to the formation of a number concept because it is possible to count by matching the items being counted against a group of pebbles, grains of corn, or the counter's fingers.
题干: 比较对象:using their fingers, using a group of pebbles 比较关系:easier 比较内容:to count
原文: 比较对象:a group of pebbles ,counter's fingers 比较关系: 无 比较内容:count
8 例子:剑7-1-2
21 Water use per person is higher in the industrial world than it was in Ancient Rome.
原文:As towns gradually expanded, water was brought from increasingly remote sources, leading to sophisticated engineering efforts such as dams and aqueducts.
At the height of the Roman Empire, nine major systems, with an innovative layout of pipes and well-built sewers,supplied the occupants of Rome with as much water per person as is provided in many parts of the industrial world today.
题干: 比较对象:in the industrial world , in Ancient Rome.
比较关系:higher 比较内容:Water use per person,
原文: 比较对象:industrial world today ,Roman Empire 比较关系:as much as 比较内容:water per person as is provided
9 例子:剑12-test6-passage3
36 Fewer bilingual people than monolingual people suffer from brain disease in old age.
原文:In a study of over 200 patients with Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative brain disease, bilingual patients reported showing initial symptoms of the disease an average of five years later than monolingual patients.
题干: 比较对象:bilingual people, monolingual people
比较关系: Fewer 比较内容:suffer from brain disease in old age
比较对象:bilingual patients ,monolingual patients
比较关系:an average of five years later
比较内容:showing initial symptoms of the disease