

作者: 2023-01-09 13:46 来源:重庆编辑





  Q12 Which TWO pieces of advice for the first week of an apprenticeship does the manager give?

  答案句: You'lbe spending timein different departments during your first week so make an effort to talk to as many people as possible about their work.


  Q11 Before Queen Elizabeth I visited the castle in 1576

  答案句: However,when Queen Elizabeth announced that she was going to visit the castle in 1576 it was beginning to look a bit run down,and it was decided that rather than repair the guest rooms,they'd make a new house for her out of wood next to the main hall.


  Q11 The park was originally established

  答案句: What perhaps isn't so well nown is the origin of the park:unlike many public parks that started in private ownership, as the garden of a large house, for instance, Minster was some waste land, which people living nearby started planting with flowers in 1892.


  Q12 Originally,Stevenson's manufactured goods for


  原文: that's what we did for the first five years.


  Q11 Dartfield House schoolused to be

  解析:used to be为过去时态,要关注的是之前Dartfield是用来做什么的。

  答案句: His heir chose to sellit to the local council,who turneditinto offices.

  九分达人3 T2S2

  Q11 How many patients does the hospital consult every year?

  答案句:Our consultations can numberanything up to 11,000 patients a year. however we aim to treat around 5,000 patients a year so as to maintain and ensure the quality ofour services.

  九分达人4 T1S2

  Q15 Which activity is provided for adults all year around?

  答案句: Abseilingis available regardless ofthe weather.



  Q12In a survey,localresidents particularly complained about

  答案句: We recently carried out a survey oflocaresidents,and their esponses were interesting. People were very concerned about the lack of visibility on some roads due to cars parked along the sides of the roads.


  Q12 In feedback almost all employees said that volunteering improvedtheir Feedback from staff has been overwhelmingly positive. Because they felt they were doing something really useful, nearly everyone agreed that volunteering made them feel more motivated at work.


  Q13 During the First World war, the park was mainly used for

  答案句: Soon after this the First World War broke out,in 1914,and most of the park was dug up and planted with vegetables, which were sold ocally. At one stage the army considered taking it over for troop exercises and got as far as contacting the city council, then decided the park was too small to be ofuse.

  九分达人5 T5S2

  Q18 The upkeep of the facility will be mainly funded by

  答案句: That will contribute a lot to the upkeep and development because council funding won't cover everything, though it does cover the bulk ofthe ongoing expenses.



  Q11 What is the maximum number of people who can stand on each side ofthe boat?

  答案句: Our boats aren't huge as you can see.We already have three staff members on board and on top of that, we can transport a furthel fifteen people - that's you - around the coastline. But please note if there are more than nine people on either side of the boat, we'l move some of you over, otherwise all eighteen of us will end up in the sea.

  九分达人3 T1S2

  Q14Which country has the most usersin the website?

  答案句: Some of the users are registered in the United Kingdom and Canada, with the majority from the Republic oflreland.

  九分达人4 T1S2

  Q12 According to the tour guide, what is the best to do on top of the mountain?

  答案句: When you reach the top of the mountain, there is nothinc better than having a picnic under the trees with your family.



  Q14 This year the company will start a new volunteering project with alocal

  答案句: We've got an exciting new project starting this year. Up until now, we've mainly focused on projects to do with education and training And we'll continue with our reading project in schools and our work with ocal charities.But we've also agreed to help out on a conservation project in Redfern Park.


  Q15 What does the speaker say about the existing canteen?

  解析:existing在雅思的题干限定中出现过许多次,一般理解为“现存的”。学生要注意听到表示现存食堂的用途,因为可能会跟之前有所不同,old canteen作为信号词因为有时间限定“old”,随后说出了现在的用途。

  答案句: well still have tables and chairs in there,and pupils can eat food from the Food Hall or lunch they've brought from home.


  Q12 Which change will shortly be made to the cycle path next to the river?


  答案句: so we're going to add a biton the side to makeit wider


  Q14 Whatis new for children at Oniton Hall?

  答案句: Well,we have several activities specially for children,like dressing up in the sorts of clothes that children wore in the past, and as it's a fine day, some of you will probably want to play in the adventure playground.Out latest addition is child-sized tractors, that you can drive around the grounds.


  Q11Manypastowners made changes to

  答案: The original house was replaced in the late seventeenth century, and of course it has had a large number of owners. Almost all of them have left their mark, generally by adding new rooms, like the ballroom and conservatory, or by demolishing others.


  Q13 How much does childcare cost for a complete afternoon session per child?

  答案句: For the afternoon sessions,which run from 3.30 until 6 p.m. it's f7.20. But if you prefer, you can pay for one hour only, which costs E3.50,ortwo hours which costs f5.70.

  九分达人5 T2S2

  Q13 What pleased Jill about the energy provider?

  答案句: The bills can now be paid onlinefor instance,which wasa thrill to me because it saves me from driving to the bank.



  Q11When did the Street Play Scheme first take place?

  答案句: Well,I first had the idea when my oldest child was still a toddler, so that's about six years ago now - but it took at least two vears of campaigning before we were actually able to make it happen. So the scheme's been upand running forthree years now.

  九分达人5 T2S2

  Q15 What kind of energy-saving method is Jill going to take next?

  答案句:Irecently extended my house with a new room that takes up as bathroom with a low energy boiler so l am able to take long showers quilty-free.My walls are nice and thick and well-insulted,but disappointingly the window is a little draughty; thus l am about to make someinvestments by doing some upgrading

  九分达人5 T2S2

  Q12 What does Jill say can do straight away?

  答案句:Instead,simply switch off all plug sockets and appliances to make an immediate saving on your electricity consumption.lf this doesn't make enough of a saving for you, you could later turn down the thermostat as well.



  Q11 Annie recommends that when cross-country skiing, the visitors should

  答案句: There are marked trails,but you can also leave these and go off on your own and that's an experience not to be missed.


  Q13 Which TWO ways that volunteers can benefit from volunteering arementioned?

  答案句: Volunteers also gain from it: they're using their skills to cope with somebody's mental or physical ill health, and volunteering may be a valuable element of their CV when they're applying forjobs.



  Q13 Which lunchbox is suitable for someone who doesn't eat meat or fish?

  答案句:We offer you a free lunchbox during the trip and we have three types.Lunchbox 1 contains ham and tomato sandwiched.Lunchbox 2 contains a cheddar cheese roll and Lunch box 3 is salad-based and also contains eggs and tuna.



  Q14On Station Road,notices have been erected

  解析:地点限定,定位词station road原词出现帮助很好地限定了答案地位置

  答案句:On Station Road near the station and level crossing,drivers can face quite long waits if the level crossing's closed, and we've now got signs up requesting them not to leave their engines running at that time.


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