Part 1
1-10) Completion
1 original reason: to attend a conference
2 Present reason: for a wedding
3 arrived∶by coach
4 types of accommodation∶in a small apartment
5 unsatisfying∶eating, not enough meat
6 advantages:-easy to walk:-no insects
7 restaurant is noisy
8 it is nice to have a cinema
9 occupation of this man: cook
10 dream places to go: India
Part 2
11-16) Map Matching
11 gardening book --- H
12 art books graphic---I adult book --- B
13 cookery --- C
14 biographic --- F
15 children's reading area --- E
16 self-helping boo --- A
17 Penny's -- has good illustrations
18 he Hidden -- based on a real story
19 Orange Moon -- come from and part of a series
20 Running boy -- award-winning
Part 3
题型及数量: 4选择+6匹配
21-24) Multiple choices
21. how did Jay and Becky select the clothes they have chosen to discuss?
A. they picked some items from a catalogue
22. Jay and Becky learned that the … was introduced
B. to oppose mass production
23. what do they agree would be the best way
C. focus on financial savings
24. what do they say they have learned from the project
A. the influence that it is having now
25. boots: E. high-quality material
26. women's jacket: A. only for formal wear
27. coat: B. following a colour trend
28. women's shirt: C. easy to clean
29. trainers: D. not well made
30. skirt: G. reasonably price
Part 4
场景: 澳洲海豚的研究
主题: 研究报告
31-40) Complete
The research on two types of dolphins will take place in a certain area
The reason why the research will be there.
31. The sea water there is clean
32.Hunting is prohibited in this area.
33.The severe weather which changes a lot make it hard for the study
Aims of studying on this.
34.These two types of dolphins are similar in many aspects, and the research can be done to figure out how they are related to each other
35.It helps to find out their favorite environment for living
36.The influence of human activities on dolphins will be involved
Ways of doing the research:
37.colors of fins
38. To find out the population of these certain dolphins
Other factors and future development
40. Whether noise can be a factor for dolphins' activities (Will it cause beaching for example)is to be studied in the future
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