
重庆编辑 2024-04-25 18:23


  主要难点在于:1. 专业词汇较多。天文学涉及许多专业术语,如小行星带(asteroid belt)、星云(nebula)、超新星(supernova)等,这些词汇对大多数考生来说可能比较陌生; 2. 背景知识复杂。天文学是一个远离日常生活的学科,考生可能缺乏必要的背景知识,这会影响对听力材料的理解; 3. 文章结构复杂。天文学讲座的文章结构可能比较复杂,涉及天文原理的发展、影响以及天文现象的特点和原因等,需要考生能够识别并关注文章的关键信息。


  1.理论对比:听力材料可能会介绍不同的理论,比如在《新托福听力真经6》中收录的Moon Formation题目中,考察了“大碰撞理论”(Giant Impact Theory)和其他被广泛讨论的理论,如裂变理论(Fission Theory)。考生们需要能够识别和比较这些理论的主要特点。

  l What assumption do the giant impact theory and the fission theory have in common?

  A The Moon increased in size after its formation.

  B The Moon was formed from part of Earth.

  C The young Earth collided with another planetary object.

  D The young Earth rotated very slowly.

  2. 关键证据:听力中可能会提到支持或反对某个理论的关键证据,如地质学、天体物理学的发现,或是同位素分析的结果。比如在《新托福听力真经6》中收录的Moon Formation题目中,教授提到俘获理论(Capture Theory)认为月球形成于太阳系的某个地方,而后在经过地球时被地球引力捕获,既然月球是在地球外的其他地方形成,也就能解释为什么它俩成分不同了。考生需要理解这些证据是如何支持或反对特定理论的。

  l What is one point the professor makes about “the capture theory”?

  A It accounts for the difference in composition between the Earth and the Moon.

  B It lost popularity when the fission theory was proposed.

  C It was challenged by the Apollo findings.

  D It is based on the assumption that Earth’s gravitational field has remained constant.

  3. 科学方法:听力材料可能会描述科学家是如何通过观察、实验和推理来形成和测试月球形成理论的。比如在《新托福听力真经6》中收录的Brown Dwarf题目中,在论述抛射理论(Ejection Theory)和 湍流理论(The Turbulence Theory)两个理论后,教授用新提到的新星的圆盘,来验证这两个理论。考生需要展示他们理解科学方法和逻辑推理过程。

  l Why does the professor mention that newborn stars are surrounded by disks of dust and gas?

  A To describe a method for testing two theories about brown dwarfs

  B To clarify how brown dwarfs are drawn into star systems

  C To introduce planet formation as the topic of the next lecture

  D To emphasize that brown dwarfs move at low velocities

  4.专业术语:在讨论天体形成的过程中,听力材料可能会使用一些专业术语,如“地壳”(crust)、“地幔”(mantle)、“核心”(core)等, 比如TPO5讲座2 Moon Landing中题目有出现mantle,考生需要熟悉这些术语及其在语境中的含义。

  l Why does the professor mention the Moon’s mantle?

  A To explain why scientists believe that meteor impacts cannot affect the Moon’s mantle

  B To explain what kind of information scientists hope to obtain from the mantle

  C To point out that the Moon’s crust and mantle are made of similar materials

  D To point out that the Moon’s mantle and Earth’s mantle have different compositions


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